I'm using laravel 5.3 and trying to build a query with multiple where and wherein function. Here is my code:
$posts_id = "1,3,4"; //from my query
$results = Post::select('*');
$results->whereIn('posts_id', [$posts_id]);
There is 1 post which have an id of 4 in my database, but my query doesn't returning anything. Though there is 4 in my post ids $posts_id = "1,3,4";
Need help, to get posts from any of the id, which I've included in my $posts_id
Thanks in Advance!
You need to pass an array to whereIn() method:
$results = Post::whereIn('posts_id', explode(',' $posts_id))->get();
Note that you don't need to call each method in a separate line. You can chain them. Also, the select('*') is not required.
You can create your array in any way you want, no need to use explode().
$ids = [1, 2, 3];
$results = Post::whereIn('posts_id', $ids)->get();
It may be good to check if the array isn't empty before making that query.