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How can I test affiliate program in my custom uber app using uber sdk?

I created a custom app, using uber sdk ( I also have "connect" button along with singup option and I'm using affiliate program for US-based clients using "client_id" parameter during sign-in/up (

How can I test it, and how can I check if new users will be connected to my account?

Let's assume that I have app in production mode (running in real environment and approved by uber and apple).


  • That's a good question. Because signups / first trips are not in the self-serve analytics provided on the developer dashboard at unfortunately I do not think there is really a way to test that a user signup / first trip has been attributed to your app.

    As long as you are following these rules, the signups / first trips will be attributed to your app:

    "Always link to Always include your client_id in your deep link."

    And payouts begin once an app reaches $250 in referral fees (so 50 signups/first trips attributed to an app). This FAQ might answer more q's about your affiliate questions: