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Do not show relations to invisible tables in SchemaCrawler diagram

I use schemacrawler-14.16.03 on Windows 7. My command is:

schemacrawler.cmd -server=postgresql -host=hostname -port=5432 -database=db -schemas=public -user=user -password=***-sslmode=require -loglevel=INFO -outputformat png -infolevel=standard -command=schema -outputfile=somefile.png

I want to show a group of tables with relations between them. I edited schemacrawler.table.pattern.include and easy got only tabels I need. But a diagram contains all relations beetween these tables and other tables (invisible at diagram).

I tried to change different config options but unable to hide these relations. How can I hide them?


  • Here is another way you can try out. In, let schemacrawler.table.pattern.include include all tables (.*).

    Use the following -grepcolumns trick shown below to include only the tables you want, and use -only-matching to exclude links to invisible tables.

    Try the following command on a single line: schemacrawler.cmd -server=postgresql -host=hostname -port=5432 -database=db -schemas=public -user=user -password=*** -infolevel=standard -command=schema -only-matching -grepcolumns=.*\.(YOUR TABLE PATTERN)\..* -outputfile=somefile.png

    Sualeh Fatehi, SchemaCrawler