Here is the problem:
2 groups:
Group A: initial cholesterol levels were normally distributed with mean=244 mg/100 ml and standard deviation = 51 mg/100 ml.
Group B: initial cholesterol levels were normally distributed with mean= 219 mg/100 ml and standard deviation=41 mg/100 ml.
The question I need to answer is how do I produce two normal distributions (group A + Group B) in the same frame?
Do i use the command dnorm()
Here is my attempt at the code:
curve(dnorm(x, mean=219, sd=41))
the height of the curve is 1/(sqrt(2*pi)*sd)
Yes you can use curve()
curve(dnorm(x, mean=219, sd=41), from = 0, to = 400)
curve(dnorm(x, mean=244, sd=51), add = TRUE, col = 2)