I want to convert SQL request TO DQL using Doctrine "Query Builder"
SELECT e1.id, e1.name, (SELECT COUNT() FROM (SELECT id FROM element e2 WHERE
e2.parent_id = e1.id LIMIT 1000) as e3 )
FROM element e1
e1.parent_id = xxx
e1.element_type_id = xxx
is it possible ?
You can write DQL for above SQL as below
SELECT e1.id, e1.name, COUNT(*) somealias
FROM YourBundle:Element e1
LEFT JOIN YourBundle:Element e2 WITH e1.id = e2.parent_id
WHERE e1.parent_id = xxx
AND e1.element_type_id = xxx
GROUP BY e1.id
I don't see the logic of using LIMIT in sub select.
It would be easier if you have defined the parent_id association in your entity as childs
with i guess ManyToOne
for unidirectional relation and doctrine will do the join part so you don't have to use WITH
clause and your DQL will become like
SELECT e1.id, e1.name, COUNT(*) somealias
FROM YourBundle:Element e1
LEFT JOIN e1.childs e2
WHERE e1.parent_id = xxx
AND e1.element_type_id = xxx
GROUP BY e1.id