I'm trying to figure out how to not use global variables for my application but I can't think of anything else.
I'm actually coding a web interface with the help of the Flask-SocketIO module to interact in real time with a music player.
This is a snippet of my code containing the play function (I think I only need one example and then I can adapt it for all the other functions):
from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask_socketio import SocketIO
app = Flask(__name__)
socketio = SocketIO(app)
isPlaying = False #This is the variable that I would like to avoid making global
def cycle_play():
global isPlaying
if isPlaying == True:
socketio.emit('pause', broadcast=True)
isPlaying = False
socketio.emit('play', broadcast=True)
isPlaying = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
socketio.run(app, port=5001)
This is only a stripped down version of the code but I think it's enough to understand what I'm trying to accomplish.
I need to access that variable also from other functions and I need to do the same with the song name, duration and current time.
Thanks in advance for the help and sorry if my English is not clear.
Here is the solution that I used:
from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask_socketio import SocketIO
app = Flask(__name__)
socketio = SocketIO(app)
class Player():
def __init__(self):
self.isPlaying = False
def cycle_play(self):
if self.isPlaying == True:
socketio.emit('pause', broadcast=True)
self.isPlaying = False
socketio.emit('play', broadcast=True)
self.isPlaying = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
player = Player()
socketio.on('request_play')(player.cycle_play) #this is the decorator
socketio.run(app, port=5001)
NOTE: Please refer to the answer above, referencing session storage. The "solution" presented here is far too simplistic, as commenters helpfully point out, and would have been better not accepted -- SH 16 Apr, 2024
The solution that suggests itself is to define a class which encapsulates both the state variable and the responses to its change. Since I'm not familiar with the details of Flask-SocketIO
please treat this as pseduocode rather than something to be pasted in to a working program.
class PlayControl:
def __init__(self, initial):
self.is_playing = initial
def cycle_play(self):
if self.is_playing:
socketio.emit('pause', broadcast=True)
self.is_playing = False
socketio.emit('play', broadcast=True)
self.is_playing = True
You would then create an instance of this class, and pass the instance's cycle_play
method to the same function you decorated your original function with. Because this behaviour is dynamic it's not appropriate to use a decorator on the method definition.
control = PlayControl(False)
To reduce the amount of program code you could even define a class that took the functions to call and the values to emit as arguments, generalising the concept further to make code more concise and with less boilerplate.