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Performance question: Inverting an array of pointers in-place vs array of values

The background for asking this question is that I am solving a linearized equation system (Ax=b), where A is a matrix (typically of dimension less than 100x100) and x and b are vectors. I am using a direct method, meaning that I first invert A, then find the solution by x=A^(-1)b. This step is repated in an iterative process until convergence.

The way I'm doing it now, using a matrix library (MTL4):
For every iteration I copy all coeffiecients of A (values) in to the matrix object, then invert. This the easiest and safest option.

Using an array of pointers instead:
For my particular case, the coefficients of A happen to be updated between each iteration. These coefficients are stored in different variables (some are arrays, some are not). Would there be a potential for performance gain if I set up A as an array containing pointers to these coefficient variables, then inverting A in-place?

The nice thing about the last option is that once I have set up the pointers in A before the first iteration, I would not need to copy any values between successive iterations. The values which are pointed to in A would automatically be updated between iterations.

So the performance question boils down to this, as I see it:
- The matrix inversion process takes roughly the same amount of time, assuming de-referencing of pointers is non-expensive.
- The array of pointers does not need the extra memory for matrix A containing values.
- The array of pointers option does not have to copy all NxN values of A between each iteration.
- The values that are pointed to the array of pointers option are generally NOT ordered in memory. Hopefully, all values lie relatively close in memory, but *A[0][1] is generally not next to *A[0][0] etc.

Any comments to this? Will the last remark affect performance negatively, thus weighing up for the positive performance effects?


  • Test, test, test.

    Especially in the field of Numerical Linear Algebra. There are many effects in play, which is why there is a number of optimized libraries that have solved that burden for you.

    Some effects to consider:

    • Memory locality and cache effects
    • Multithreading effects (some algorithms that are optimal while running single-core, cause memory collision/cache eviction when more than one core is utilized).

    There is no substitute for testing.