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How do I do a Cross Join when I don't have all the columns I need?

I have two queries which both create tables that I would like to cross join.

SELECT SITA, B, C, Rooms, Datearrived, Market_segment, StayDays as RN, AMTRoom as Rev
   FROM [UKRMC].[dbo].[revenue] rev
   JOIN [UKRMC].[dbo].[Contacts] contacts
   ON rev.hotel_id =
   WHERE datearrived between '2017-01-01' and '2017-08-31' and C like '%GB%'
  ORDER BY sita

This query gives a table which has each date from 2017-01-01 to 2017-08-31 with each SITA (there are 30 SITA) and each Market_segment (there are 18 distinct Market_segments but each SITA doesn't have all the Market_segments and this is where my problem lies).

My next query is:

FROM [UKRMC].[dbo].[Segmentation]
WHERE SEG IN ('RAC', 'BIT', 'BIQ', 'CBI', 'TOF', 'QOF', 'BOA', 'FIT', 'LYO', 'RER', 'OTH', 'NRG', 'XXX', 'CRW', 'BGR', 'BGO', 'LGR', 'LGS') 

So this gives a table of the 18 Segments.

Now, what I want is a table which has each date from 2017-01-01 to 2017-08-31 with each SITA and each Market_Segment (So each date will have 30 x 18 rows) along with all the other columns from the first query too; B, C, Rooms, StayDays as RN, AMTRoom as Rev.

Of course since all dates and market_Segment/Seg combination aren't in the first table I would like to just output RN and Rev as 0 for these but B, C, Rooms is fixed for each SITA (so will i need another join for the fixed values?)

I hope it makes sense what I need. Any help is appreciated! Here is sample data for the two queries respectively.

 SITA    B   C    Rooms  Datearrived Market_segment  RN   Rev
ABZPD   PI  GB   150    2017-01-01   TOF            2    45                                                                      
ABZPD   PI  GB   150    2017-01-01   BAO            33   30.5                                                                       
ABZPD   PI  GB   150    2017-01-01   BGR            11   50                                                                     
ABZPD   PI  GB   150    2017-01-01   NRG            52   10                                                                       
ABZPD   PI  GB   150    2017-01-01   CRW            20   90                                                                       
ABZPD   PI  GB   150    2017-01-01   BIT            7    20                                                                     
ABZPD   PI  GB   150    2017-01-01   CBI            0    40                                                                      
ABZPD   PI  GB   150    2017-01-01   OTH            10   50                                                                       
ABZPD   PI  GB   150    2017-01-01   BIQ            11   60                                                                       
ABZPD   PI  GB   150    2017-01-01   RER            12   65      



  • You need to cross join the distinct sita, B, C, Rooms, datearrived with your SEG list, and left join your original query. I can not tell where the columns are being sourced from in your query, so I am just treating table t as your original query.

      , d.B
      , d.C
      , d.Rooms
      , d.Datearrived
      , Market_segment = s.Seg
      , Rn  = isnull(t.rn,0)
      , Rev = isnull(t.Rev,0)
    from (
      select distinct sita, B, C, Rooms, datearrived 
      from dbo.t -- whichever table has the above columns
      ) d
    cross join (
      select SEG
      from dbo.Segmentation
      where SEG in ('RAC', 'BIT', 'BIQ', 'CBI', 'TOF', 'QOF', 'BOA', 'FIT', 'LYO', 'RER', 'OTH', 'NRG', 'XXX', 'CRW', 'BGR', 'BGO', 'LGR', 'LGS') 
      ) s
    left join dbo.t 
      on d.datearrived = t.datearrived
     and d.sita = t.sita
     and s.seg = t.market_segment

    rextester demo:


    | SITA  | B  | C  | Rooms | Datearrived | Market_segment | Rn | Rev |
    | ABZPD | PI | GB |   150 | 2017-01-01  | RAC            |  0 |   0 |
    | ABZPD | PI | GB |   150 | 2017-01-01  | BIT            |  7 |  20 |
    | ABZPD | PI | GB |   150 | 2017-01-01  | BIQ            | 11 |  60 |
    | ABZPD | PI | GB |   150 | 2017-01-01  | CBI            |  0 |  40 |
    | ABZPD | PI | GB |   150 | 2017-01-01  | TOF            |  2 |  45 |
    | ABZPD | PI | GB |   150 | 2017-01-01  | QOF            |  0 |   0 |
    | ABZPD | PI | GB |   150 | 2017-01-01  | BOA            |  0 |   0 |
    | ABZPD | PI | GB |   150 | 2017-01-01  | FIT            |  0 |   0 |
    | ABZPD | PI | GB |   150 | 2017-01-01  | LYO            |  0 |   0 |
    | ABZPD | PI | GB |   150 | 2017-01-01  | RER            | 12 |  65 |
    | ABZPD | PI | GB |   150 | 2017-01-01  | OTH            | 10 |  50 |
    | ABZPD | PI | GB |   150 | 2017-01-01  | NRG            | 52 |  10 |
    | ABZPD | PI | GB |   150 | 2017-01-01  | XXX            |  0 |   0 |
    | ABZPD | PI | GB |   150 | 2017-01-01  | CRW            | 20 |  90 |
    | ABZPD | PI | GB |   150 | 2017-01-01  | BGR            | 11 |  50 |
    | ABZPD | PI | GB |   150 | 2017-01-01  | BGO            |  0 |   0 |
    | ABZPD | PI | GB |   150 | 2017-01-01  | LGR            |  0 |   0 |
    | ABZPD | PI | GB |   150 | 2017-01-01  | LGS            |  0 |   0 |