I have created a data frame with the following data
name <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J")
age <- c(22,43,12,17,29,5,51,56,9,44)
sex <- c("M","F","M","M","M","F","F","M","F","F")
rock <- data.frame(name,age,sex,stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
Now I want to find out:
If the name is E to J and sex is not equal to F then the status is "1F", if the name is A to D and age is greater than 15 then the status is "Young". Everything else is "Others"
so for that, i am applying following code:
rock$status <- ifelse(rock$name==c("E","F","G","H","I","J")&
ifelse(rock$name==c("A","B","C","D") & rock$age>15,"Young","Others")))
But i am getting the output like:
name age sex status
1 A 22 M Young
2 B 43 F Young
3 C 12 M Others
4 D 17 M Young
5 E 29 M Others
6 F 5 F Others
7 G 51 F Others
8 H 56 M Others
9 I 9 F Others
10 J 44 F Others
But, it has to be "1F" on E and H.but it is showing "Others"
What wrong have I done into my code?
Please correct me and also give me some valuable suggestions regarding this.
We need to use %in%
instead of ==
rock$status <- ifelse(rock$name %in% c("E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J") &
rock$sex != "F", "1F",
ifelse(rock$name %in% c("E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J") &
rock$sex == "F", "Female",
ifelse(rock$name %in% c("A", "B", "C", "D") &
rock$age > 15, "Young", "Others")))
# name age sex status
# 1 A 22 M Young
# 2 B 43 F Young
# 3 C 12 M Others
# 4 D 17 M Young
# 5 E 29 M 1F
# 6 F 5 F Female
# 7 G 51 F Female
# 8 H 56 M 1F
# 9 I 9 F Female
# 10 J 44 F Female