I'm aware of the hexbin package, but I don't want to summarize the data at this point. I don't draw my plots in R, so I have no need for hexbin objects or many other things in this package.
I simply want to convert/round each point's coordinates to the xy coordinates of the center of the hexagon that contains the point. In other words, instead of the hexbin function returning a hexbin object, I want to return x and y coordinates of hexagon centers that correspond to the input coordinates.
I assumed I would find something useful in the source code of the hexbin function, but I'm kinda lost there. I don't want to write my own function if it's already been done, so any advice is welcome.
Assign your hexbin with desired bin sizes to an object and then check the structure. The center of mass is given by @xcm
and @ycm
. See ?hexbin
An example is shown below.
mtcars_hexbin <- hexbin(mtcars$mpg ~ mtcars$hp, xbins = 5, IDs= TRUE)
# The x, y of center of mass are given by:
Edited to answer comment: If IDs=TRUE, then the output @cID gives the cell number to which each original non-aggregated points belong to. @cell gives you the cell number associated with @xcm, @ycm center of mass coordinates. @count tells you how many points belong to a cell.