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Correct type for binary file-like object

I have the following functions defined using Python type-hinting:

from typing import BinaryIO

def do_something(filename: str):
    my_file = open(filename, "rb")

def read_data(some_binary_readable_thing: BinaryIO):

However my IDE (PyCharm 2017.2) gives me the following warning on the line I invoke read_file:

Expected type 'BinaryIO', got 'FileIO[bytes]' instead

What is the correct type for me to use here? PEP484 defines the BinaryIO as "a simple subtype of IO[bytes]". Does FileIO not conform to IO?


  • This looks like a bug in either Pycharm or typing module. From the module:

    class BinaryIO(IO[bytes]):
        """Typed version of the return of open() in binary mode."""

    Also the documentation specifies:

    These represent the types of I/O streams such as returned by open().

    So it should work as stated. For now, a workaround would be to explicitly use FileIO.

    from io import FileIO
    def do_something(filename: str):
        my_file = open(filename, "rb")
    def read_data(some_binary_readable_thing: FileIO[bytes]):