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Lotus notes data to Sharepoint list

I have a question and hope you guys can point me in right direction. I am not so much aware of lotus notes architecture. I have a lotus notes db that needs to be moved to a sharepoint list. I know there are tools out there to do this job.

1) My question is, is it possible to write an API to move data from notes to splist? (This is one time only). If yes, can you please point me in right direction.

2) If we have to use a tool, which tools are the best. How do we decide which tool (what are the criterias). Can the tools be configured to transfer records in a specific way (taking splist content types into picture and sharepoint limitition on number of items in a list)


  • 1 It is certainly possible to write API for this. I don't know which direction to go but obviously studying the NOTES API first and SharePoint API is must. SharePoint API is well established and can be easily accessed using .NET framework.

    Regarding Notes, I am not sure if its documented but I feel that it would be playing with unmanged (COM) code.

    2 As a tool,I have used CASAHL many times for this purpose and would certainly recommend it.