Search code examples

How can I format a SKProduct price into a Swift currency string?

If you have code such as this, then p will be "2.99":

let price = 2.99
let p = String(format: "%.2f", price)

However, if you have code like this:

let priceNS: NSDecimalNumber = 2.99
let p2 = String(format: "%.2f", priceNS)

Then p2 is "0.00".

How can you format an NSDecimalNumber into a string like this? (NSDecimalNumber is how the price in an SKProduct is stored)


  • You should format your product price using NumberFormatter and use your product locale:

    let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
    numberFormatter.numberStyle = .currency 
    numberFormatter.locale = someSKProduct.priceLocale
    let formattedPrice = numberFormatter.string(from: someSKProduct.price) ?? ""