I would like to customize my registrations controller for Devise in Rails. I understand that you must create a controller like this:
class AccountsController < Devise::SessionsController
def create
Well, that's all very good. But then let's say I want to fully control what happens in my #create
action. How do I do that? How do I manually create a model and pass it all the params? Would Account.create(params[:account]) handle it smoothly? Is there some internal stuff going on I should know about or is my only option to call #super
inside the action?
As long as you fulfil your required fields you can call Account.create in your example, I'm pretty sure the default Devise required fields are login, password and password_confirmation
We do this in a CRUD screen for creating devise users,
@admin = Admin.new(params[:admin])
if @admin.save
redirect_to admin_admins_path, :notice => 'New Administrator has been added'
render :action => "new"
and you don't want to extend the Devise session controller, a normal controller extending ApplicationController is fine or you can extend Devise::RegistrationsController and overwrite the methods you want to tweak in a registrations_controller.rb