On my terminal (linux/mac) I use this:
xmlstarlet ed -N ns=http://www.w3.org/2006/04/ttaf1 -d //ns:div[not(contains(@xml:lang,'Italian'))] "C:\Users\1H144708H\Downloads\a.mul.ttml" > "C:\Users\1H144708H\Downloads\a.mul.ttml.conv"
On windows (powershell) I really don't know how to fix this command. I know that I need to use $ instead of @ (because the powershell said to use $ instead of @), but there is something wrong with contains:
./xml.exe ed -N ns=http://www.w3.org/2006/04/ttaf1 -d //ns:div[not(contains($xml:lang,'Italian'))] "C:\Users\1H144708H\Downloads\a.mul.ttml" > "C:\Users\1H144708H\Downloads\a.mul.ttml.conv"
I even tried this:
./xml.exe ed -N ns=http://www.w3.org/2006/04/ttaf1 -d //ns:div[not($xml:lang -contains'Italian')] "C:\Users\1H144708H\Downloads\a.mul.ttml" > "C:\Users\1H144708H\Downloads\a.mul.ttml.conv"
But I get "failed to load external entity "False""
is an XPath expression which contains some characters that are special to various shells, therefore you should protect it with quotes. Using double quotes works in bash, Powershell, and cmd.exe:
xmlstarlet ed -N ns=http://www.w3.org/2006/04/ttaf1 -d "//ns:div[not(contains(@xml:lang,'Italian'))]" "C:\Users\1H144708H\Downloads\a.mul.ttml" > "C:\Users\1H144708H\Downloads\a.mul.ttml.conv"
When using bash or Powershell it may be preferable to use single quotes; for those shells this is needed to protect against expansion of $
(although use of this in XPath is fairly advanced):
xmlstarlet ed -N ns=http://www.w3.org/2006/04/ttaf1 -d '//ns:div[not(contains(@xml:lang,"Italian"))]' "C:\Users\1H144708H\Downloads\a.mul.ttml" > "C:\Users\1H144708H\Downloads\a.mul.ttml.conv"
Note that the inner quotes need to swapped as well.