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how can i call a method from another class in libgdx

I want to call the method walo() from render() in classMyGdxGame:

public class MyGdxGame extends ApplicationAdapter{
    public void render() {

public class AndroidLauncher extends AndroidApplication {
    AndroidLauncher android =new AndroidLauncher();

    public void walo() {
        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "You Don't Have Enough Money",


  • Create interface in core, implement this interface in AndroidLauncher and send it to game. So you can call method or pass data to render.


        public interface SomeInterface    {
        public void walo();


       public class AndroidLauncher implements SomeInterface{
            protected void onCreate() {    
            AndroidApplicationConfiguration config = new AndroidApplicationConfiguration();
            initialize(new MyGdxGame(this), config);
            public void walo() {
              Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "You Don't Have Enough Money",

    In game class

      public MyGdxgame(SomeInterface myinterface)           {
       public render()            {

    Here's example (my google play service interface) and a link to open source data of my libgdx game.

        public interface PlayServices
        public void signIn();
        public void signOut();
        public void rateGame();
        public void unlockAchievement(String str);
        public void submitScore(int highScore);
        public void submitLevel(int highLevel);
        public void showAchievement();
        public void showScore();
        public void showLevel();
        public boolean isSignedIn();
        public void showBannerAd();
        public void hideBannerAd();
        public void showInterstitialAd (Runnable then);
        public void showRewardedVideo();
        public boolean isRewardEarned();

    You can see ads and video rewards implemented like this.

    Github Connect Game