Search code examples

Selecting within group with filtering

Say I have the following table / data:

create table #a(id int, name varchar(2), score int)
insert #a values(0, 'a1', 1)
insert #a values(1, 'b1', 0)
insert #a values(2, 'c1', 1)
insert #a values(3, 'd1', 0)
insert #a values(4, 'd2', 1)
insert #a values(5, 'e1', 0)
insert #a values(6, 'e2', 2)
insert #a values(7, 'e3', 1)
insert #a values(8, 'e4', 0)

I'd like to select these rows:

id name score
1  b1   0
2  c1   1
4  d2   1
6  e2   2


  • Only id > 0
  • Groups by first letter of the name
  • In each group, the highest score
  • Tie-breaker, the highest name (ASCII-sorted)

This is what I came up with:

select id, name, score
into #b
from #a
where id > 0
group by left(name, 1)
having score = max(score)
select f.* 
from #b f
left join #b g on left(, 1) = left(, 1) and >
where is null
order by

Can this be done better in terms of not using a temp table / two queries / repetition (all these lefts) and efficiency in general?


  • Assumptions

    • name is unique

    To test the tie-breaker logic we'll add another 'e' row:

    insert #a values (9,'e5',2) -- same score as the 6/e2/2 record

    Since SAP(Sybase) ASE has quite a few limitations ...

    • no support for the rank() function
    • no support for the row_number() function
    • no support for the offset/limit clauses
    • limited support for top clause in sub-queries
    • no support for the order by clause in sub-queries

    ... we need to get a little 'creative' (read: this is going to get a bit convoluted)

    First thing we'll do is find the max score for each of the single characters where id > 0:

    select  left(name,1) as name1,
            max(score)   as mscore
    from    #a
    where   id > 0
    group by left(name,1)
    order by 1
     name1 mscore
     ----- -----------
     b               0
     c               1
     d               1
     e               2

    Next we'll join this result set with the original table, matching rows based on the first character and score = max(score):

    select a2.name1,
    from   #a a1
    join   (select  left(name,1) as name1,
                    max(score)   as mscore
            from    #a
            where   id > 0
            group by left(name,1)) a2
    on      left(,1) = a2.name1
    and     a1.score        = a2.mscore
    and           > 0
    order by 1,2
     name1 name mscore
     ----- ---- -----------
     b     b1             0
     c     c1             1
     d     d2             1
     e     e2             2
     e     e5             2

    Next we'll address the tie-breaker rule; we can handle this by applying the max() function to our column (making sure to add the appropriate group by clause):

    select a2.name1,
           max( as mname,
    from   #a a1
    join   (select  left(name,1) as name1,
                    max(score)   as mscore
            from    #a
            where   id > 0
            group by left(name,1)) a2
    on      left(,1) = a2.name1
    and     a1.score        = a2.mscore
    and           > 0
    group by a2.name1, 
    order by 1,2
     name1 mname mscore
     ----- ----- -----------
     b     b1              0
     c     c1              1
     d     d2              1
     e     e5              2

    Last part of the puzzle is to tie this final result back to the original table to obtain the id:

           a4.mname  as 'name',
           a4.mscore as 'score'
    from   #a a3
    join   (select a2.name1,
                   max( as mname,
            from   #a a1
            join   (select  left(name,1) as name1,
                            max(score)   as mscore
                    from    #a
                    where   id > 0
                    group by left(name,1)) a2
            on      left(,1) = a2.name1
            and     a1.score        = a2.mscore
            and           > 0
            group by a2.name1,
                  a2.mscore) a4
    on = a4.mname
    order by 1,2
     id          name score
     ----------- ---- -----------
               1 b1             0
               2 c1             1
               4 d2             1
               9 e5             2

    NOTE: Above queries/results verified on SAP(Sybase) ASE 16.0 SP03 PL01.

    Net result ...

    While it's possible to do what's desired with a single query, the coding is a bit convoluted (and likely a bit harder to maintain).

    The original code (2 queries and an intermediate temp table) is a bit easier to understand (and likely a bit easier to maintain).