My problem is simple one... My perl code is like below...
$todaydate = `date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S`;
$output_file = "my_data_$todaydate".".csv";
print "SQL query output file name : $output_file\n";
But the Output file name is printing as like below...
SQL query output file name : my_data_2017-10-03-062227
If you can observe, the .csv is coming in new line. I have also tried the below join for string conactantion. but still no luck.
$output_file = join "", "my_data_", $todaydate, ".csv";
due to this issue, while i am passing the output_file name to a sql query, its creating a file my_data_2017-10-03-062227 without .csv extension.
Any suggestion please...
There are several reasons why you might not want to use external programs unnecessarily.
Getting a date is a task that people commonly want to use an external program for. And I don't understand why, because Perl has pretty good built-in time and date handling. For example, your code can be written like this:
use Time::Piece;
$todaydate = localtime->strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S');
$output_file = "my_data_$todaydate.csv";
print "SQL query output file name : $output_file\n";
Time::Piece has been included with all versions of Perl since 2007. It changes the behaviour of localtime()
so it returns an object. And the object has many useful methods - here we use strftime()
If you're stuck with an older version of Perl (pre-5.10) then you can still do this easily without calling an external program.
use POSIX 'strftime';
$todaydate = strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S', localtime);
$output_file = "my_data_$todaydate.csv";
print "SQL query output file name : $output_file\n";