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How to implement conditional compilation without messing up the library API?

I have a library which can do GPU computation using the OpenCL framework. Sadly, OpenCL is not available on all platforms. However I would still like to be able to compile my code on those platforms, just excluding OpenCL functionality.

I think this question applies to all situations where you want to conditionally compile some external resource which may not always be available, and it messes with your library API.

Currently I have it set up like this:


    find_package(OpenCL REQUIRED)
    target_link_libraries(mylibrary ${OpenCL_LIBRARY})


// settings.hpp, exposed to public API
class settings
    int general_setting_1;
    bool general_setting_2;
    // ... Other general settings
    int open_cl_platform_id;
    // ... Other settings available only when OpenCL is available
    // More settings, possibly also conditionally compiled on other external libraries
// computation.cpp, internal to the library

#include <CL/cl.hpp>

void do_things()
    // ... 

    if(settings.open_cl_platform_id != -1)
        // Call OpenCL code

    // ...

So when I compile the library, if I want to enable OpenCL I do cmake .. -DENABLE_OPEN_CL.

This works, but if the client is consuming the library compiled with ENABLE_OPEN_CL, it forces the client to define the same ENABLE_OPEN_CL, otherwise the included library's header file don't match the one used in the client, and very bad things happen.

This opens a whole can of worms, for example what if the client forgets to do it? What if it uses the same identifier name for something else?

Can I avoid this? If not, is there some way I could verify that the header files match on the client and the library, and cause a compilation error? Or at least throw a run-time exception? What is the correct approach to this scenario?


  • The obvious way to do it, is to leave open_cl_platform_id as a member of settings even if OpenCL is not supported. The user then gets a run-time error if they try to use OpenCL functionality when the library hasn't been compiled for it.

    Alternatively, have two header files settings_no_open_cl.hpp and settings_open_cl.hpp, and require the user to include the right one.