Search code examples

StashIssueReportingPostJob not enabled - how to enable?

using the AmadeusIT sonar-stash plugin...

After branching from main for feature/sprint we updated code locally and added, committed and pushed to BitBucket, creating a pull request. We'd like to run a scan and see the issues presently only for the code we just issued a PR for... I run sonar-scanner with this invocation:

sonar-scanner -Dsonar.analysis.mode=preview -
Dsonar.stash.repository=StaticAnalysisPOC -Dsonar.stash.login=myLogin -
Dsonar.stash.password=myPassword -Dsonar.login=sonarLogin -
Dsonar.password=sonarPword - -
Dsonar.projectName=stat -Dsonar.projectVersion=1.0.3

output was:

INFO: Executing post-job org.sonar.plugins.stash.StashIssueReportingPostJob
INFO: org.sonar.plugins.stash.StashIssueReportingPostJob@43294e9b 
not enabled, skipping

Tech Stack/Versions;

SonarQube 6.x - latest

BitBucket (on prem) 4.x - latest



  • According to the code of the plugin, you have to add parameter -Dsonar.stash.notification=true