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How to convert Java MessageDigest with two update statements to C#

How can I convert this Java code to C#?

    byte[] a = ...some byte array...;
    byte[] b = ...some byte array...;

    MessageDigest m_Hash = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
    byte[] ub = m_Hash.digest();

So far I have:

        var hash = HashAlgorithm.Create("SHA-1");

But I don't think this is going in the right direction because ComputeHash actually returns a byte[].


  • So... it looks like update just appends the byte arrays... I wrote a function to do this and it looks like this:

        var hash = HashAlgorithm.Create("SHA-1");
        byte[] ub = hash.ComputeHash(AppendArrays(a, b));
        public byte[] AppendArrays(byte[] b1, params byte[][] others)
            int n = b1.Length;
            foreach (var other in others)
                n += other.Length;
            var result = new byte[n];
            n = 0;
            Array.Copy(b1, 0, result, n, b1.Length);
            n += b1.Length;
            foreach (var other in others)
                Array.Copy(other, 0, result, n, other.Length);
                n += other.Length;
            return result;