I am having trouble binding directive's parameters (using isolated scope) to access them from the directive's custom controller.
Please check this fiddle (open the console, to see the logged results!) http://jsfiddle.net/xj9gqqxn/4/
<div ng-controller="appCtr">
<div custom-directive param="customer.name">
<input type="text" ng-model="customer.name"/>
When i log inside the directive's link function the value gets logged accordenly, but when i do the same within the constructor function of the controller i see the value as undefined.
If someone know how to access directive's parameters values within the constructor function of the directive's controller, please share the answer or point where i am making a mistake.. sad for me I got no further clues...
Well your controller has same scope as directive so this will work just fine:
app.controller('customController', ['$scope', '$timeout' , function($scope,$timeout) {
console.log("[customController:new] - param value is: " + $scope.param);
Also if you are searching for bindToController so directive $scope value is bound to controller instead of $scope, you could do this:
bindToController: {
param: '='
Updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/pegla/xj9gqqxn/8/