I'm trying to set up https on my backend app on heroku as a subdomain like this (for example):
and I'm really confused by all the conflicting online docs I've found. Also, I'm rather green on all this SSL stuff. This app will be a backend for just data serving. My front end right now is https on OpenShift under my domain and it's working fine. Here is what I've done:
I clicked "Configure SSL" > "Automatically configure using Automated Certificate Management" and it comes back saying to:
"update your DNS settings to our secure domain"
Not really sure what that means, to be honest. I tried to go back to cloudflare and add a DNS Record (DNS tab). Like so:
Type: CNAME Name: api <--is this right? Value: api.mydomain.com.herokudns.com <-- what do I put here?
But this doesn't work. How do I know? I type
heroku certs:auto
and it comes back 'failing'. Also tried value: mydomain.com.herokudns.com without the 'api' in front. I'm really confused and the docs aren't much help. Can anybody help me?
OK, in case some other poor tired programmer comes here.
Cloudflare and Heroku don't get along. Use your SSL from cloudflare. Here's how:
heroku domains
to see what the REAL domain is now -- without ACM enabled it will probably go back to ...herokuapp.com instead of ...herokudns.comSet that one up in cloudflare (DNS tab) under CNAME like so:
CNAME | yoursubdomainname | yourdomainname.com.herokuapp.com
set up Page Rules in cloudflare to be like so: http://yourdomainname.com/ => Always use https
on Crypto tab use Full SSL.
Wait an hour or so to make sure these all take effect.
Hope that helps someone.