Currently, I'm writing a program which performs ROT-1 until and including ROT-25 on a given String using Java. In the beginning of my research, I found this code:
public class Rot13 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s = args[0];
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'm') c += 13;
else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'M') c += 13;
else if (c >= 'n' && c <= 'z') c -= 13;
else if (c >= 'N' && c <= 'Z') c -= 13;
After some trouble shooting I got to this:
private static void rotALL(String input) {
//Loop 25 times, starting with ROT-1 and ending at ROT-25 (every possibliity besides the original input)
for (int i = 1; i < 26; i++) {
int rot = 26 - i;
System.out.print("ROT" + rot + ": ");
for (int charIndex = 0; charIndex < input.length(); charIndex++) {
char c = input.charAt(charIndex);
int inta = 97; //a in the ASCII table
int intaWithRot = inta + rot;
int intA = 65; //A in the ASCII table
int intAWithRot = intA + rot;
int intaWithRotPlusOne = intaWithRot + 1;
int intaWithRotPlusi = intaWithRot + i;
int intAWithRotPlusOne = intAWithRot + 1;
int intAWithRotPlusi = intAWithRot + i;
if (c >= inta && c <= intaWithRot) {
c += rot;
} else if (c >= intA && c <= intAWithRot) {
c += rot;
} else if (c >= intaWithRotPlusOne && c <= intaWithRotPlusi) {
c -= rot;
} else if (c >= intAWithRotPlusOne && c <= intAWithRotPlusi) {
c -= rot;
Now I have to problems:
When I put in "grfg qngn", which is "test data" using ROT-13, my output for ROT-13 is "ROT13: test d{t{", the "{" and "a" are 26 places apart from eachother in the ASCII table, but I dont know why this error occurs, when letters such as the "e" are displayed correctly.
How do I change this algorithm so it loops through ROT-1 through ROT-25? I figured this should do the trick, but I am missing something.
Thanks in advance and kind regards!
* Returns a list with Strings which are rotated ROT-n. n = 26 - listIndex
* Source:
* @param input the string to mutate
* @param numeric include numeric values
* @return a list with mutated strings
private static List<String> rotN(String input, boolean numeric) {
List<String> output = new ArrayList<>();
for (int n = 0; n < 26; n++) {
String result = "";
int length = input.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
char ascii = input.charAt(i);
char rotated = ascii;
//Capital letters are 60 to 90
if (ascii > 64 && ascii < 91) {
rotated = (char) (rotated + n);
if (rotated > 90) {
rotated += -90 + 64;
if (rotated < 65) {
rotated += -64 + 90;
} else if (ascii > 96 && ascii < 123) { //Lowercase letters are between 97 and 122
rotated = (char) (rotated + n);
if (rotated > 122) {
rotated += -122 + 96;
if (rotated < 97) {
rotated += -96 + 122;
//Numeric values are between 48 to 57
if (numeric && ascii > 47 && ascii < 58) {
rotated = (char) (rotated + n);
if (rotated > 47) {
rotated += -57 + 47;
if (rotated < 58) {
rotated += -47 + 57;
result += (char) rotated;
return output;
This is the solution I found, which is working.