I am using request library to connect to an api and get data. I have the proxy to connect and it works with AuthenticatedProxy
This is how my code looks.
import requests
s = requests.Session()
url = "https://testapi"
urlkey = “testkey”
proxies = {'https': 'http://<UserName>:<Password>@proxy_url:8080'}
resp = s.get(url, params={'key':urlkey }, proxies = proxies)
content = resp.content
print content
Username and Password is exposed here and I want to avoid that. How can I acheived that ? Can i ask request to use defaultCredentials or 'account that is running the python script' credentials ?
In .net, following config works:
<defaultProxy enabled="true" useDefaultCredentials="true">
<proxy proxyaddress="https://testapi:8080" bypassonlocal="True"/>
Thanks all. Similar question here.
From the request
You can also configure proxies by setting the environment variables HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY.
So you could avoid revealing the credentials in the script by setting the environment variable instead:
$ export HTTPS_PROXY="http://<UserName>:<Password>@proxy_url:8080"
And then in the script you would use the proxy by just calling:
resp = s.get(url, params={'key':urlkey })