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formatting timedelta64 when using pandas.to_excel

I am writing to an excel file using an ExcelWriter:

writer = pd.ExcelWriter(fn,datetime_format=' d  hh:mm:ss')

The writing operation is successful and opening the corresponding excel file I see datetimes nicely formatted as required. However, another column of the dataframe with dtype timedelta64[ns] is automatically converted to a numerical value, so in Python I see

0 days 00:23:33.499998

while in excel:


which is likely the same duration converted in number of days. Is there any way to control the timedelta formatting using pd.ExcelWriter?


  • Excel has no data type for a timedelta or equivalent, so you have a couple imperfect choices.

    To keep their "datetime-ness" in Excel, you could convert to a datetime, then display them in Excel with a format showing only the time part.

    df = pd.DataFrame({'td': [pd.Timedelta(1, 'h'), pd.Timedelta(1.5, 'h')]})
    df['td_datetime'] = df['td'] + pd.Timestamp(0)
    writer = pd.ExcelWriter('tmp.xlsx', datetime_format='hh:mm:ss')
    # tmp.xlsx
    # td         td_datetime
    # 0.041667   01:00:00
    # 0.0625     01:30:00

    Alternatively, you could format as string before serializing:

    df['td_str'] = df['td'].astype(str)
            td                     td_str
    0 01:00:00  0 days 01:00:00.000000000
    1 01:30:00  0 days 01:30:00.000000000