I have vertex class host with property hostname and edge class link with property ports which is a list.
So hosts are connected to each other with link having ports.
I need to find out who is connected to one specific 'myhost' like:
host1.hostname -- link1.ports
host2.hostname -- link2.ports
However, I'm only able to achieve:
host1@rid -- ports1
host2@rid -- ports2
with query like:
select expand(inE(link).include('ports','out*')) from host where hostname = 'myhost'
or I can get hostnames and ports as list, yet not very useful:
[host1.hostname, host2.hostname] -- [link1.ports, link2.ports]
select in('link').hostname,inE('link').ports from host where hostname = 'myhost'
Unwind in that query doesn't do the thing, too.
Is there any proper way to do it?
Did you try the Match statement?
Try this
match { class: host, as : host1, where: (hostname = "myhost") }
.inE('link'){as: link}
.outV(){as: host2}
return host1.hostname,link.ports, host2.hostname