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SPARQL Query to delete all blank nodes with in a Resource

I am writing a SPARQL query that should delete all triples within in this resource.

prefix oslc: <>
prefix example: <>
prefix xsd: <>
prefix dcterms: <>
prefix rdf: <>

        a                oslc:ResourceShape ;
        oslc:describes   example:Resource2 ;
        oslc:property    [ a                      oslc:Property ;
                           oslc:isMemberProperty  true ;
                           oslc:name              "pgn" ;
                           oslc:occurs            oslc:Zero-or-one ;
                           oslc:valueType         xsd:integer ] ;
        dcterms:title    "Resource2"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .   

I have tried:

    { ?s  ?p   ?o } 
      ?s  ?p   ?o .
      FILTER  ( ?s IN ( <>))

However, id does not delete the blank node within it:

[ a                      oslc:Property ;
  oslc:isMemberProperty  true ;
  oslc:name              "pgn" ;
  oslc:occurs            oslc:Zero-or-one ;
  oslc:valueType         xsd:integer ] 

It is pretty obvious because the filter specifies a specific subject and the blank node does not have that subject.

Any idea how can I delete the blank node as well?


  • I hope you do not have nested blank nodes. Try this:

    PREFIX example: <>
    DELETE {
        ?s  ?p   ?o .
        ?o  ?p1  ?o1 .
    WHERE {
        VALUES (?s) { (example:Resource2) }
        ?s  ?p  ?o .
        OPTIONAL {
            ?o  ?p1  ?o1  .
            FILTER (isBlank(?o)) 

    Related question: Delete blank node from ontology through SPARQL UPDATE.