I am building an angular SPA with firebase integration, using angularfire. I have the signInWithPopup authentication working, but when I add the router functionality the sign in popup fails with the warning (in Firefox):
Loading failed for the with source “https://apis.google.com/js/api.js?onload=__iframefcb217841”.
I have seen in this thread auth/network-request-failed with Google signInWithPopup that this could be a problem with /__ namespace.
How can we detect if the router is using such a namespace ?
My app-root HTML:
I am "inflating" my header and below is the router which is working fine. When I try to sign in with the Google popup the error shows off and the page is reloaded.
Any thoughts ?
Thank you.
Sorry everybody, I had made a huge mistake, and a silly one. This was my login button:
<li><a href="#" *ngIf="!goodToGo" (click)="loginUser()"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-log-in"></span> Login</a></li>
The href="#" argument was redirecting the router and "killing" the sign in popup. Removing it solved the problem.