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wxPython: how to position extra widgets in the status bar?

I managed to add a wx.Choice to a status bar by making the Choice its child, and theoretically it does display in the right area: Choice widget in status bar The problems:

  1. As apparent, the Choice widget hides the status bar's text.
  2. I can't find any way to position my Choice to the right-side of the window.

So as you can guess, my objective here is to align the Choice item on the right-side of the window, and to make sure that the status bar's text pane respects the Choice's presence.


  • import wx
    class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
        def __init__(self):
            wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, title='Statusbar',size=(300,200))
            panel = wx.Panel(self)
            status_btn = wx.Button(panel, label='Get Statusbar Info')
            status_btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_status)
            self.statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar(2)
            w1 = self.statusbar.Size[0]
            w1= w1 - 50
            self.statusbar.SetStatusWidths([w1, -1])
            self.statusbar.SetStatusText('Statusbar field 1')
            self.mychoices = wx.Choice(self.statusbar, wx.ID_ANY, choices=[("en"), ("it"), ("de")])
            self.mychoices.SetPosition((w1+2, 2))
        def on_status(self, event):
            print (self.statusbar.GetStatusText())
            print (self.mychoices.GetSelection())
            print (self.mychoices.GetString(self.mychoices.GetSelection()))
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        app = wx.App()
        frame = MainFrame()

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