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Argument 2 passed to Cartalyst\Sentinel\Permissions\Standard Permissions::prepare Permissions() must be of the type array, null given

I have a Laravel 5.3 project with the Cartalyst\Sentinel (v2.0.15) package configured. I have this line

$hasPermission = Sentinel::getUser()->hasAccess($routeName);

But I keep getting this error message:

Argument 2 passed to 
Cartalyst\Sentinel\Permissions\StandardPermissions::prepare Permissions() must be of the type array, null given

I had a look on Google and the package's github page but couldn't find anything that would help me to solve this problem.

When I look in the source code of the package then I see this piece of code:

 * {@inheritDoc}
protected function createPreparedPermissions()
    $prepared = [];

    // $this->secondaryPermissions equals to:
    // [
    //     0 => NULL,
    // ]
    if (! empty($this->secondaryPermissions)) {
        foreach ($this->secondaryPermissions as $permissions) {
            // this is the line where it throws the error as $permissions == NULL
            $this->preparePermissions($prepared, $permissions);

    if (! empty($this->permissions)) {
        $permissions = [];

        $this->preparePermissions($permissions, $this->permissions);

        $prepared = array_merge($prepared, $permissions);

    return $prepared;

The secondaryPermissions array isn't empty. What are these 'secondary' permissions? I had a look on Sentinel's documentation page(s) but couldn't find anything about this. The only thing I could find is that a 'user' can have permissions but so does a 'role'. My current database setup is that roles have permissions but none of my users have any specific permissions. So the 'permissions' field in my users table always equals to NULL.



  • Fixed it. The issue was that the permissions were incorrectly stored in my database.

    It should be like:

    {"controller.action": true, "controller.actionTwo": true}

    Instead of:

    {"controller.action: true", "controller.actionTwo: true"}