I am using C++ Builder 6 and I want to query more than one field/column in my query to a table of my MySQL database.
Let's say, I have a table named "users" and my table has the fields "id", "name", "username" and "password". Please, check the following examples:
query = "SELECT name FROM users;"; // WORKS
query = "SELECT name, username FROM users;"; // WORKS ONLY FOR THE 1ST FIELD "name"
query = "SELECT * FROM users;"; // DOESN'T WORK: GIVES ME EAccessViolation
query = "SELECT name FROM users UNION SELECT username FROM users;"; // WORKS BUT IT ISN'T A SOLUTION
So far, the rest of my code is almost the same I found in this guide.
Could I query more than 1 field at the same time?
String query;
query = "SELECT * FROM users;";
try {
SQLQuery1->SQL->Text = query;
SQLQuery1->Active = true;
catch (Exception& E) {
outputMemo->Text = "Exception raised with message" + E.Message;
// Show the results of the query in a TMemo control.
TStringList *list;
TField *currentField;
String currentLine;
if (!SQLQuery1->IsEmpty()) {
list = new TStringList;
__try {
while (!SQLQuery1->Eof) {
currentLine = "";
for (int i=0; i<list->Count; i++) {
currentField = SQLQuery1->FieldByName(list->Strings[i]);
currentLine = currentLine + " " + currentField->AsString;
outputMemo->Lines->Add( currentLine.c_str() );
catch (Exception& E) {
outputMemo->Text = "Exception raised with message" + E.Message;
Thank you in advance for your help and your time.
I found that the problem was the wrong dbExpress Driver for MySQL. Dll dbxopenmysql50.dll might work right only with MySQL v5.0. DevArt dbExpress Driver for MySQL could be used for higher versions than v5.0 of MySQL.