i'm trying to add blur effect on my image. I'm using laravel 5.2 and Intervention Image 2 library. here's blur method . I did exactly the same in my code but it doesn't do anything(image stays the same). here's code:
in my controller where I store input data and image also, I call makeBlur()
helper function. image path stores in $path_preview
controller :
// some code ...
makeBlur($path_preview); // <-- looks like /uplodas/image.jpg
// some code ....
$model->path_preview = $path_preview;
here's helper function:
// $image is string (stores the path of file)
function makeBlur($image){
$path = public_path() . $image; // get image path add public/ in front of it
$blurredImg = \Image::make($path);
no errors, just nothing happens. maybe i didn't get the idea how it works
Save the image after you applied the blur