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Jasper subreport not getting datasourcebeans sub object property

I am getting error in iReport when during subreport compilation:

Errors compiling E:\workspace_new\kidslake\src\main\resources\admissionForm_sub_1.jasper!
Compilation exceptions: com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.compiler.ErrorsCollector@28f84e61  
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 
1. The method getFullName() is undefined for the type Object                 
value = ((java.lang.Object)field_director.getValue()).getFullName(); //$JR_EXPR_ID=17$                                                                       
2. The method getFullName() is undefined for the type Object                 
value = ((java.lang.Object)field_director.getOldValue()).getFullName(); //$JR_EXPR_ID=17$                                                                          
3. The method getFullName() is undefined for the type Object                 
value = ((java.lang.Object)field_director.getValue()).getFullName(); //$JR_EXPR_ID=17$                                                                       
3 errors      
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$     

My bean class is like

 class Mainclass{
     private List<AdmissionForm> admissionForm;

 class AdmissionForm{
    private Director director;

 class Director{
    private String fullName;

I am passing JRBeanCollectionDataSource as list of MainClass in my main report

I defined subreport and pass field like new$F{admissionFormList})

I define to access director fullname property in my subreport


but when i compile main report or subreport getting the error above.

Help me to resolve my issue


  • You can do one of the following:

    1. Set the type of the director report field to Director (full/qualified class name). Apparently the current field type is java.lang.Object
    2. Change the report language to Groovy.
    3. Declare a report field called director.fullName and use the field directly instead of $F{director}.getFullName()