I am having an infuriating experience with IIS7, Python 2.6, Mercurial 1.7.2, and hgweb.cgi.
After battling for an afternoon getting hgweb.cgi to work, I finally got it to render in the browser using hgweb.cgi and IIS7. I can now see a blank rendering of the web server, that is, a header with no repositories listed.
Now, according to the multipe sites I've read after scouring through Google results, I know that I have to update my hgweb.config file to point to some repositories.
However, for the life of me, I can't get it to list my repository using either the [paths] or [collections] entries.
I have the following directory structure, (simplified but illustrative...):
c:\code c:\code\htmlwriter c:\code\CommandLineProjects\Clean
The latter two directories have mercurial repositories in them.
I am trying to publish the repository in c:\code\htmlwriter
Now, if I make this entry in hgweb.config
htmlwriter = c:\code\htmlwriter
I get nothing listed in my output.
If I put
htmlwriter = c:\code\*
I get something, but not what I want, i.e. this:
(Note that the about drills down one directory level farther than I want it to).
I can't seem to find any combination of paths, asterisks, or anything else that will serve up the repository in c:\code\htmlwriter. It appears to always want to go one level deeper than I want it to, or to show nothing.
I know that my hgweb.config file is being read because I can change the style tag in it and it changes what is rendered.
I have read and re-read multiple time a number of resources on the web, but they all say what I'm trying should be working. For instance, I followed this instructions to the letter with no good results:
Anyone have any suggestions?
I'll answer my own question:
The solution is that the path listed in the [paths]
section is relative to the directory where the hgweb.config file is residing.
So, if you have your repository in:
and your hgweb.config file is in:
then the entry in your hgweb.config file needs to be:
/myrepo = ../../code/myrepo
That was the trick -- to put the correct relative path.
I was never able to get hgweb.cgi to work with a repo on a different drive.