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Incomplete Type InNested Name Specifier JUCE

I'm having a problem with circular dependencies when trying to manage my windows with a 'WindowList' class. When I want to close a window with closeButtonPressed code below, I need to remove the object from the windowList file, however I am including WindowSetter in the WindowList file. Previous errors like this have been solvable through a forward declaration, however I am not sure how to solve this one. Anny suggestions? (full code can be viewed here:

#pragma once

#include "../JuceLibraryCode/JuceHeader.h"
#include "WindowList.h"
class WindowList;

class WindowSetter  : public DialogWindow
WindowSetter (const String& title,
             Component* content,
             bool shouldBeResizeable,
             int initWidth, int initHeight,
             int minWidth, int minHeight,
             int maxWidth, int maxHeight)
:   DialogWindow (title, Colours::white, true, true),
    owner (this)
    setUsingNativeTitleBar (true);
    setResizable (true, true);
    setResizeLimits (minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight);
    setContentOwned (content, false);

    setVisible (true);



void closeButtonPressed() override
    WindowList::getWindowList();        // ERROR: Incomplete type 'WindowList' named in nested name specifier
    owner = nullptr;

bool escapeKeyPressed() override
    return true;


ScopedPointer<Component> owner;

enter image description here

edit: Added the full code for the file causing the error and an error log screenshot


  • OMGtechy's response addresses the question that you asked, but I'd like to recommend a different design that:

    1. Eliminates the need to worry about cyclic dependencies
    2. Is more idiomatic JUCE code.

    The design as you have it here tightly couples things together. A more JUCE-y way to solve the problem is you use the ChangeBroadcaster / ChangeListener classes to remove that tight coupling. When you add a WindowSetter to your WindowList, also subscribe to its change messages. When the user clicks on the close button, the WindowSetter sets a boolean and alerts anyone listening to it that it's been updated.

    In sketches, it looks like

    class WindowSetter : public DialogWindow
                       , public ChangeBroadcaster
       WindowSetter( /*(etc...)*/)
       : DialogWindow(...)
       , owner(this)
       , wantsToClose(false)
          // etc
       void closeButtonPressed() override
          wantsToClose = true;
          // notify observers that we've changed. 
       bool windowWantsToClose() const 
          return wantstoClose;
       bool wantsToClose;
    class WindowList : public ChangeListener 
       void addWindowSetterToList(WindowSetter* wnd)
       void changeListenerCallback(ChangeBroadcaster* src) override 
          // cast from the ChangeBroadcaster base class to our WindowSetter class.
          WindowSetter* wnd = dynamic_cast<WindowSetter*>(src);
          if (nullptr != wnd)
             // if we contain the object, and the object wants to be closed...
             if (windows.contains(wnd) && wnd->windowWantsToClose())
                // get rid of it. 

    You'll see this kind of design used almost everywhere in JUCE codebases.