I have already read about this but didn't understand how to do this kind of things.
<div class='dropdown2'>
<span>Seleziona Campionato: </span>
<select class='opzioni' ng-model="campionatoSelected">
<option ng-repeat="team in teams | filter: {Paese:nazioniSelected} track by $index" value="{{team.Campionato}}">{{team.Campionato}}
This is the piece of code that gives me duplicates, cause in every league (campionato) there are many teams. How can i cut the duplicates off this select?
You can use the unique
filter provided by the module angular-filter
(https://github.com/a8m/angular-filter) and cut off all the duplicates using the property you want to use for filtering:
<select class='opzioni' ng-model="campionatoSelected">
<option ng-repeat="team in teams | filter: {Paese:nazioniSelected} | unique: 'MY_PROPERTY_NAME' track by $index" value="{{team.Campionato}}">{{team.Campionato}}
You can also define your private filter and use that for doing both the operations you want to without adding third party modules.
PS: I am Italian like you, so I got your point, but try to use English variable/function names, it would make the code so much more readable, especially if then you want to post it somewhere or share it in general.