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Can't close my open trades in MetaTrader Terminal 4 Strategy Tester

I am trying to code my EA where if my close conditions are met, I want my EA to close all the open trades ( there are potentially more than 1 open trades ).

Here is my code for the closing trade section and when I run it through the Strategy Tester, I noticed it doesn't close my trades.

 Total=0;                                     // Amount of orders
 for(int i=1; i<=OrdersTotal(); i++)          // Loop through orders
  if (OrderSelect(i-1,SELECT_BY_POS)==true) // If there is the next one
    {                                       // Analyzing orders:
     if (OrderSymbol()!=Symb)continue;      // Another security
      Total++;                               // Counter of market orders

   while(true)                                  // Loop of closing orders

  if (OrderType()==0 && Close_Buy_Condition==true)                // Order Buy is opened & Close Buy Condition is true
   for (c=Total-1; c>=0; c--)
     RefreshRates();                        // Refresh rates
     Ans=OrderClose(OrderTicket(),Lot,Bid,Slippage);      // Closing Buy

  if (OrderType()==1 && Close_Sell_Condition==true)                // Order Sell is opened & Close Sell Condition is true
   for (d=Total-1; d>=0; d--)
     RefreshRates();                        // Refresh rates
     Ans=OrderClose(OrderTicket(),Lot,Ask,Slippage);      // Closing Sell


  break;                                    // Exit while


  • I don't know where do you set value for Ask, Bid and Lot variables. But they've to change when you loop through your open positions.

    You can try this function to close all positions:

    bool CloseAllPositions()
       double total;
       int cnt;
          //  Close pending orders first, you can remove this section if you don't want pending orders to be deleted
          for(cnt=total-1; cnt>=0; cnt--)
                   case OP_BUYLIMIT  :OrderDelete(OrderTicket()); break;
                   case OP_SELLLIMIT :OrderDelete(OrderTicket()); break;
                   case OP_BUYSTOP   :OrderDelete(OrderTicket()); break;
                   case OP_SELLSTOP  :OrderDelete(OrderTicket()); break;
          // then close opened orders 
          for(cnt=total-1; cnt>=0; cnt--)
                   case OP_BUY:
                      if (Close_Buy_Condition==true) {
                   case OP_SELL:
                      if (Close_Sell_Condition==true) {
       return true;


    if you don't want to deal with pending orders at all, use this code instead of OrdersTotal():

    int GetNumOpenPositions() {
        int total = OrdersTotal();
        double OpenBuyOrders = 0, OpenSellOrders = 0, PendBuys =0, PendSells =0;
         for( i=0;i<total;i++)       
             OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS );
            if ( OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber)
                   int type = OrderType();
                   if (type == OP_BUY )       {OpenBuyOrders=OpenBuyOrders+1;}
                   if (type == OP_SELL )      {OpenSellOrders=OpenSellOrders+1;}
                   if (type == OP_BUYSTOP )   {PendBuys=PendBuys+1;}
                   if (type == OP_SELLSTOP )  {PendSells=PendSells+1;}
           return (OpenBuyOrders + OpenSellOrders);

    Then total orders would be