In order to create a module "hr_payroll_from_timesheet", I was trying to add a field so I can count number of hours if an employee works in Saturday or Friday.
class hr_timsheet_sheet(osv.osv)
_inherit = 'hr_timsheet_sheet.sheet'
def _woked_days(self,cr,uid,ids,field_name,args=None,context=None)
sheet = self.browse(cr,uid,ids)
for record in sheet:
hr_sup= ["Saturday","Friday"]
count = 0.0
for line in record.period_ids:
day =
year, month, day = (int(x) for x in day.split('-'))
days =,month,day)
if days.strftime("%A") in hr_sup:
count += line.total_attendance
'weekend' : count,
return True
_columns = {
'weekend' : fields.function(_worked_days,method=True,type='float',store=True)
I did try to implement this method by adding a new button and changing my field into 'weekend' : float()
, and it did work very well, actually what I want is to make all this calculation only when I click on save button...
thanks in advance
I like this idea you are tying to do, payslip from timsheet try this:
class hr_timsheet_sheet(osv.osv)
_inherit = 'hr_timsheet_sheet.sheet'
def _woked_days(self,cr,uid,ids,weekend,args=None,context=None)
sheet = self.browse(cr,uid,ids)
for record in sheet:
hr_sup= ["Saturday","Friday"]
count = 0.0
for line in record.period_ids:
day =
year, month, day = (int(x) for x in day.split('-'))
days =,month,day)
if days.strftime("%A") in hr_sup:
count += line.total_attendance
res[] = count
return True
it will work even when keeping the arg field_name