I'm trying to pipe an image stored on Amazon S3 using node-request. However, sometimes an image doesn't exist, which is exposed by S3 as a status code 403. I'm struggling to see how I can pipe in case of success (200) but take an alternative action in case of a non-200.
Using the abort() method seemed like the way to go but getting an r.abort is not a function
, even though it should be available on the request.
// context: inside a request handler, where `res` is the response to write to
const r = request(url)
.on('response', function (response) {
if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
r.abort(); //failing
// I want to stop the piping here and do whatever instead.
To answer my own question: don't start piping until sure it's correct:
.on('response', function (r) {
if (r.statusCode !== 200) {
//take other action