I'm trying to make a Gear VR application with the Gear VR controller and the Oculus SDK. I got the GazePointerRing to work with the controller prefab. There is a reticle in my app visible that i can move around with the Gear VR controller. It detects the cubes that I've placed in the scene. What I want to do now is point the reticle at a cube and hold a button on the controller, so that the cube will stick to my controller model and can move around until I let go of the button. I've been searching in the OVR Physics Raycaster script how i can call upon the raycast hit and input it in a button command in an if statement. But i can't find a way to call upon the raycast hit with an object. This is the Oculus code in the OVR Physics Raycaster script:
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UnityEngine.EventSystems
/// <summary>
/// Simple event system using physics raycasts.
/// </summary>
public class OVRPhysicsRaycaster : BaseRaycaster
/// <summary>
/// Const to use for clarity when no event mask is set
/// </summary>
protected const int kNoEventMaskSet = -1;
/// <summary>
/// Layer mask used to filter events. Always combined with the camera's culling mask if a camera is used.
/// </summary>
public LayerMask m_EventMask = kNoEventMaskSet;
protected OVRPhysicsRaycaster()
{ }
public override Camera eventCamera
return GetComponent<OVRCameraRig>().leftEyeCamera;
/// <summary>
/// Depth used to determine the order of event processing.
/// </summary>
public virtual int depth
get { return (eventCamera != null) ? (int)eventCamera.depth : 0xFFFFFF; }
/// <summary>
/// Event mask used to determine which objects will receive events.
/// </summary>
public int finalEventMask
get { return (eventCamera != null) ? eventCamera.cullingMask & m_EventMask : kNoEventMaskSet; }
/// <summary>
/// Layer mask used to filter events. Always combined with the camera's culling mask if a camera is used.
/// </summary>
public LayerMask eventMask
get { return m_EventMask; }
set { m_EventMask = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Perform a raycast using the worldSpaceRay in eventData.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="eventData"></param>
/// <param name="resultAppendList"></param>
public override void Raycast(PointerEventData eventData, List<RaycastResult> resultAppendList)
// This function is closely based on PhysicsRaycaster.Raycast
if (eventCamera == null)
OVRRayPointerEventData rayPointerEventData = eventData as OVRRayPointerEventData;
if (rayPointerEventData == null)
var ray = rayPointerEventData.worldSpaceRay;
float dist = eventCamera.farClipPlane - eventCamera.nearClipPlane;
var hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, dist, finalEventMask);
if (hits.Length > 1)
System.Array.Sort(hits, (r1, r2) => r1.distance.CompareTo(r2.distance));
if (hits.Length != 0)
for (int b = 0, bmax = hits.Length; b < bmax; ++b)
var result = new RaycastResult
gameObject = hits[b].collider.gameObject,
module = this,
distance = hits[b].distance,
index = resultAppendList.Count,
worldPosition = hits[0].point,
worldNormal = hits[0].normal,
/// <summary>
/// Perform a Spherecast using the worldSpaceRay in eventData.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="eventData"></param>
/// <param name="resultAppendList"></param>
/// <param name="radius">Radius of the sphere</param>
public void Spherecast(PointerEventData eventData, List<RaycastResult> resultAppendList, float radius)
if (eventCamera == null)
OVRRayPointerEventData rayPointerEventData = eventData as OVRRayPointerEventData;
if (rayPointerEventData == null)
var ray = rayPointerEventData.worldSpaceRay;
float dist = eventCamera.farClipPlane - eventCamera.nearClipPlane;
var hits = Physics.SphereCastAll(ray, radius, dist, finalEventMask);
if (hits.Length > 1)
System.Array.Sort(hits, (r1, r2) => r1.distance.CompareTo(r2.distance));
if (hits.Length != 0)
for (int b = 0, bmax = hits.Length; b < bmax; ++b)
var result = new RaycastResult
gameObject = hits[b].collider.gameObject,
module = this,
distance = hits[b].distance,
index = resultAppendList.Count,
worldPosition = hits[0].point,
worldNormal = hits[0].normal,
/// <summary>
/// Get screen position of this world position as seen by the event camera of this OVRPhysicsRaycaster
/// </summary>
/// <param name="worldPosition"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Vector2 GetScreenPos(Vector3 worldPosition)
// In future versions of Uinty RaycastResult will contain screenPosition so this will not be necessary
return eventCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(worldPosition);
prerequisite: Ensure to have OVR Manager in your scene, it is a singleton and required for the GearVR controller (OVRInput class) to work.
My usual approach is to raycast a ray from the controller anchor position going forward and check if it hits a desired object
public class SampleScript : MonoBehaviour
public Transform anchorPos;
public GameObject detectionLineObject; // a gameObject with a line renderer
private RaycastHit _hitInfo;
private LineRenderer _detectionLine;
void Start()
GameObject line = Instantiate(detectionLineObject);
_detectionLine = line.GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
void Update()
void DetectionManager()
// check if controller is actually connected
if (!OVRInput.IsControllerConnected(OVRInput.Controller.RTrackedRemote) || !OVRInput.IsControllerConnected(OVRInput.Controller.LTrackedRemote))
// launch a ray from the OVRCameraRig's Anchor Right
if (Physics.Raycast(anchorPos.position, anchorPos.forward, out _hitInfo))
// set our line points
_detectionLine.SetPosition(0, anchorPos.position);
_detectionLine.SetPosition(1, _hitInfo.point);
MyComponent target = _hitInfo.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<MyComponent>();
if (target != null)
// Do you stuff here
// point our line to infinity
_detectionLine.SetPosition(0, anchorPos.position);
_detectionLine.SetPosition(1, anchorPos.forward * 500.0f);