I am new to x86-16bit programming. I am very stumped by how I call function 2 properly to read characters individually from a string. If anybody has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated. The code below shows my current attempt (one of many).
.model small
message db "Hello, DOS Here!", 0dh, 0ah
main proc
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
mov ah, 2
mov bx, 1
int 21h
loop L1
main endp
end main
I'm also supposed to use push and pop to be able to print the string in the same method but backwards. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious. All I get when it prints is the British pound symbol for a few lines. (Dec: 156; Hex: 9C)
With this definition message db "Hello, DOS Here!", 0dh, 0ah
, next code will print the complete message:
mov ah, 02h
mov dl, message ;Get the H character
int 21h
mov dl, message+1 ;Get the e character
int 21h
mov dl, message+2
int 21h
mov dl, message+3
int 21h
mov dl, message+4
int 21h
mov dl, message+5
int 21h
mov dl, message+6
int 21h
mov dl, message+7
int 21h
mov dl, message+8
int 21h
mov dl, message+9
int 21h
mov dl, message+10
int 21h
mov dl, message+11
int 21h
mov dl, message+12
int 21h
mov dl, message+13
int 21h
mov dl, message+14
int 21h
mov dl, message+15
int 21h
mov dl, message+16 ;Get the 0Dh carriage return
int 21h
mov dl, message+17 ;Get the 0Ah linefeed
int 21h
Rather stupid, wouldn't you say?
In order to use a loop and obtain much compacter code we need to:
, DI
, BX
and BP
. I've picked BX
in below code.A version of this loop:
mov bx, OFFSET message ;1.
mov dl, [bx] ;2.
mov ah, 02h ;3.
int 21h
inc bx ;4.
cmp dl, 0Ah ;5.
jne Again
I'm also supposed to use push and pop to be able to print the string in the same method but backwards.
To accomplish this next task of yours, you would put a push dx
in between steps 2. and 3. Then write an additional loop to display the reversed string:
pop dx
mov ah, 02h
int 21h
cmp dl, "H"
jne Again2
The pitfalls here will be that
s before starting the 2nd looppush