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change zPosition of tiles

I want to change the zPosition of some tiles in my tile map. I use the following function to achieve this:

 static func setZPosition(to tileMap: SKTileMapNode, and tileInfo: String){

    let tileSize = tileMap.tileSize
    let halfWidth = CGFloat(tileMap.numberOfColumns) / 2 * tileSize.width
    let halfHeight = CGFloat(tileMap.numberOfRows) / 2 * tileSize.height

    for column in 0..<tileMap.numberOfColumns{
        for row in 0..<tileMap.numberOfRows{
            let tileDefinition = tileMap.tileDefinition(atColumn: column, row: row)
            let isCorrectTile = tileDefinition?.userData?[tileInfo] as? Bool
            if isCorrectTile ?? false{
                let x = CGFloat(column) * tileSize.width - halfWidth
                let y = CGFloat(row) * tileSize.height - halfHeight
                let rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: tileSize.width, height: tileSize.height)
                let tileNode = SKShapeNode(rect: rect)
                tileNode.position = CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
                tileNode.zPosition = 100

When I use this function, the print statetement shows me 5 times "100". This is correct because I want to change the zPosition of 5 tiles with the userData name "Z", which I use as the tileInfo parameter. The player sprite has a ZPosition of 10. But if I walk now with the player over a tile with zPosition 100, the player is still above the Tile. I want him to be behind the tile. What I'm doing wrong here?


  • There is nothing in the definition that allows for zPosition change (Which would make sense since the idea is to draw the tiles as fast as possible)

    I would recommend having another tile set overlay it, or have individual sprites that pop out.