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NodeJS showing google books content on my own app

I'm developing a google books manager app for myself. I want to reach the whole book content in my own application but the google books search api gives me preview and info links in json format. Is it possible that I read the book in my own app and if it is, how do I do that with those links? Thanks


  • You need to consume the API in your application. It gives you a JSON file, so you need to parse that JSON file into a variable and then you have a standard javascript object which you can access.

    Take this link for example:

    Gives us a JSON file. If I wanted to get access to the first object's contents, I would do something like this:

    var request = require('request');
    request('', function(error, response, body) {
        var library = JSON.parse(body);
        var firstBook = library[0].volumeInfo
        var title = firstBook.title;
        var authors = firstBook.authors;
        // etc... 