I am currently unable to see who created a Field Set in Salesforce, I tried looking at the Schema.FieldSet class, but I couldn't find any details on createdBy
Map FsMap = Schema.SObjectType.Account.fieldSets.getMap();
Use a Tooling API query (from Developer Console, Workbench or another tool):
SELECT Id, DeveloperName, Description, CreatedDate, CreatedBy.Name
FROM FieldSet
should get you started (in dev console it's just a matter of ticking the checkbox on bottom of query editor; in workbench go to REST explorer menu).
Alternatively some info might be visible in Setup Audit Trail (last 6 months you can download easily, you can also query the table although it's painful to filter it... https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_objects_setupaudittrail.htm
There's not-exactly-documented way to know to which sObject this fieldset belongs. Documentation of Fieldset object doesn't mention the existence of EntityDefinitionId
field but if you go to EntityDefinition
in Tooling API you can see a very promising child relationship to Fieldsets
. So... undocumented, can break in future but try this query
SELECT EntityDefinitionId, EntityDefinition.Namespaceprefix, EntityDefinition.DeveloperName,
Id, DeveloperName, Description, CreatedDate, CreatedBy.Name
FROM FieldSet
ORDER BY EntityDefinitionId, Id