I have a super basic PYMC3 question: How do you sample from a transformed RV? I need this mostly for debugging purposes.
For example:
import pymc3 as pm
with pm.Model():
A = pm.Normal('A')
B = pm.Deterministic('B', A + 1)
# or
B = A + 1
I can generate samples from A using A.random()
, but that function is not defined for B
. + 1
is a trivial transform but in case it were more involved I would like to draw some samples from the deformed A
, i.e. B
, to ensure everything is healthy.
That is just about it -- PyMC3
requires you to first construct a model, which you have done, and then sample from the posterior (often in the presence of data!), using pm.sample
The syntax you're looking for is:
with pm.Model():
A = pm.Normal('A')
B = pm.Deterministic('B', A + 1)
trace = pm.sample(1000)
(trace['B'] == trace['A'] + 1).all() # True