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Get sharepoint siteurl using weburl with MS Graph

I have onenote notebooks hosted at sharedpoint. I have a weburl to access that notebook. How I can retrieve siteId and siteCollectionId using webUrl with MS Graph API.

Sample webUrl is -


  • If you encode the webUrl using this process and then make a request to the following you should be able to access the ids:{encodedurl}/site?select=sharepointIds

    As an example, for the example URL you provided it would look like:!aHR0cHM6Ly9jb21wYW55YWxsLW15LnNoYXJlcG9pbnQuY29tL3BlcnNvbmFsL2FzaF9kZXNoX2NvbXBhbnlfY29tL0RvY3VtZW50cy9Ob3RlYm9va3MvTm90ZWJvb2sx/site?select=sharepointIds

    Note that the ids are returned using the older nomenclature, so siteId = siteCollectionId and webId = siteId