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num_rows alternative for webspace without MySQLnd

It seems the company I host my webserver with doesn't have MySQLnd installed (or at least not on my server). This means that in php I can not use $stmt->get_result(), which means I can not use $result->num_rows(). I instead have to use $stmt->bind_result() and $stmt->fetch(). Is there an alternative for people in my situation to easily get the number of rows without looping through with fetch()?

Also, same problem with $result->num_rows_affected().


  • There doesn't seem to be an alternative. The best I could do was make a method that loops through the rows and returns the count:

    function rowCount($stmt) {
        $count = 0;
        while ($stmt->fetch()){
        $stmt->data_seek(0); //reset the stmt to the first row
        return $count;

    Note this does not solve the rows_affected problem.