I have a simple "most viewed" content script that has exceeded the daily quota limit for the Google Analytics reporting API, according to the 403 errors I am receiving.
Developer console shows the requests being made to the Analytics api quickly going from 200 to 403x:
But the Developer console also says I have ~50,000 daily request limit and have barely used 20% of my daily quota as shown here:
My question is: Why is Google Analytics API giving me 10,000 request limit but also saying I have a 50,000 request limit?
Because your quota per View is 10K.
The following quotas apply to all Reporting APIs, including the Core Reporting API v3, Analytics Reporting API v4, Realtime API v3, and Multi-channel Funnel API v3:
10,000 requests per view (profile) per day (cannot be increased)
10 concurrent requests per view (profile) (cannot be increased)
See: Here