How to resize an image keeping the ratio between width and height when the figure is resized (F3/F4 should keep constant)?
f.Position=[F1 F2 F3 F4];
You can use the following feedback function to achieve what you want:
set(f,'SizeChangedFcn',@(src, callbackdata) onSizeChanged(src, F3, F4));
function onSizeChanged(src, F3, F4)
pos = src.Position;
scale = (pos(3)/F3 + pos(4)/F4)/2; % estimate the desired scale factor
% scale = min(pos(3)/F3, pos(4)/F4); % alternative
pos(3) = scale*F3;
pos(4) = scale*F4;
src.Position = pos;
An alternative may be to use pbaspect
, but this will change the aspect ratio of the plot, not the window itself.